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Twenty Things You Learn in Business School

  • 62 Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


In this course, you'll learn the following: 1. The four types of businesses 2. The difference between Debt and Equity 3. The difference between a Mission and a Vision statement 4. The four types of Capital 5. The Departments necessary for a Business (Even a one-person business!) 6. The difference between Hiring and Staffing 7. The hardest problems in Business 8. The basics of Accounting 9. The two types of Business Costs 10. The difference between Profitability and Cash-Flow 11. How a manager should make Decisions 12. Meetings and decision-making 13. The five rules of Marketing 14. How to Market your product or service 15. How to master Public Speaking 16. How to Negotiate 17. How to Manage People 18. How to protect your Intellectual Property (IP) 19. How to create an effective Business Culture 20. Why you don't need to go to Business School

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